World of Warcraft stories
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Awakening the World and The Well of Eternity
Ten thousand years before the first battle between orcs and humans war one large continent of Azeroth
the home, which was surrounded by sea. This huge land mass hosted a variety of waking
creatures and species that are struggling for survival in the waking world. In the middle of a Continent
giant glowing energy soaked pond was located. The Lake (later of Eternity
will be called) was the real source of life and the magical energies of the world. The energies of the Well of Túlnani
Darkness exhausted and scattered around the world as magical.

Not many people are a humanoid race she approached the attractive forces emanating lake edge. The nomads
gradually built a primitive settlement of a peaceful lake shore. Over time, the lake had an impact on the people. Wise, strong,
and are timeless. This people picked the name Kaldorei, which means language, "The Star
Children "(Children of the Stars, in Kalimdor). Inauguration was to be celebrated in the church and
huge buildings were built around the lake.

The Kaldorei s, or Night Elves (Night Elves) as he later called them then, we live in was the moon goddess
love it, and I think that is the Well shimmering depths of sleep during the day. The early priests and seers (Seer
vision) have studied the vast research with caution, to know their secrets, and the source of power.
As the Kaldorei s population grew, it was discovered in Kalimdor and the other occupants were found in the continent. Only reason I spent the dragon, the giant lizard-like creatures lived in seclusion, but much has been done to protect the world. The Night Elves discovered that the Dragons see themselves as protectors of the world, and agreed to a secret hidden in their souls, which left resting on the right.

Over time, friendships were concluded by the Night Elves curiosity enormous power creatures. Including
It was Cenarius, who was the Prime Material Plane forests of the demigods. In love with the night elves and Cenarius
spent a lot of time with them, get to know and teach them things relating to nature. The
s tranquil Kaldorei have established a strong connection to nature and living forests of Kalimdor.

As the seemingly endless years went by, the Night Elves thrived in all areas, social
increased. The churches, trips, far from their homes and land sprawled Kalimdor. Azshara the Kaldoreiek
beautiful and talented queen of huge and beautiful city founded in the lake, which is home to
to the subjects of the largest Jain. The subjects who had called QuelDorel Azshara (ie Higher
Generation [High Born]) was superior to siblings themselves. While everyone Azshara
both revered and worshiped the QuelDorei-lation did not like the other Kaldorei.

Azshara and priests curiosity grew and grew. Azshara is therefore ordered him to find out the secret of Wells,
and unfold their true power. The Higher generations buried in work and tireless
experimenting the well. After a while, learned how to control the use and the Well
cosmic energies. As the experiments continued, they realized that their liking and create
destruction can use the Well of energy. The Higher generations learned to use magic in this
primitive form, and you said that to become a master. While agreeing that
pose a huge threat to varázserõket if used irresponsibly, Azshara and QuelDorei s more
practiced in the art of magic. Cenarius and clear-sighted wise Night Elves are warned that the
magical forces in play to not end well. Nevertheless, he continued to Azshara
experiments to explore the power of the Well.

As their power grew Azshara and senior generations have changed. We refuse cruel and
Hate Nights Elven brothers were opposed. Finally, so far degenerated into something that was once a loving
mother acts as Azshara anyone else was talking about, but he thought the sound QuelDorei priests.

A young scientist Tombolóvihar Malfurion (Malfurion Stormrage), who studied primitive form of druidizmus,
believed that an evil power possessed by the Higher generations, and his beloved királynõjét. Bar
There was no evidence of the presence of evil, he felt that his life was about the Night Elves will radically


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